Securitex Human Traffic Technology Division
Bridge type tripod turnstile Bevel edge
The Securitex BT V182 series "Bridge Type Smart Tripod turnstile (Bevel Edge)" is designed for high human traffic environment is made from stainless steel material and is for reliable service in high traffic/volume applications like museum, sports stadiums, airport check-in, convention centers, custom and immigration check point, military bases, Oil and Gas facilities and even Mass Transit facilities where heave human traffic is expected. The structure cabinets are constructed of heavy gauge, 304 or 316 series stainless steel with either mirror finishes, hair lines finishes and even powder coated (Colour) .
External appearance size:
1240mm X 280mm X 980mm
Material: Stainless steel
Working voltage: 230 VAC
Card reader: 12 to 18 VAC
operation voltages.
Communication: RS485
Opening method: Fully
automatic, Semi Automatic and Manual operated
We are able to customized the above tripod turnstile to meet your need, specification and even design.
Download system specification here
Securitex Electronic Systems