SECURITEX INDUSTRIAL WHEEL CHOCK WC-250130113R SECURITEX WHEEL CHOCK WC-250130113R is designed for easy deployment of the Wheel Chock where ever needed. Its anti-slip and anti-skid designed prevent vehicle from moving laterally when park on flat ground. This Wheel Chock is very useful for use on Car. Truck. Buggy. Firefighting Foam Monitor. Trailer. Caravan and even chocking the huge diameter pipes, drums and industrial trolley. As the wheel chock can be supply with Single or comes in a pair thus its not easy to misplace the chock. The Yellow Reflective Sticker and Rope make it easy to spot and locate the chock in dark places when a light is shine on it. This chock also ensure that driver chock both side of the wheels in stead of just 1 side. The chock can also be cascade 2 pieces joint together (Fig 2) using a 200mm metal rod to increase the total length to 500mm or longer and the Chock came with a 30mm hole slot for 30mm rod insertion for use on double layer wheel vehicle (Fig 1) Product Description Specification: Purpose : For regular to large car, RV car and 4t truck. Dimensions : 250 x 130x 113Width (W) x Depth (D) x Height (H) (mm) Length or rope (mm) : 900 (rope) Weight (gm) : 6500 (two, including rope) Material : + Natural rubber reclaimed rubber Indication : Reflective Sticker on 3 sides of chock surface. Imported: The following wheel chock is imported from Japan.
Features: - Lightweight design for portability. - Prevent vehicle from moving by keeping wheel in place. - Easy access and convenience to put in your boot or tool box. - Applicable for Car. Truck. Buddy. Firefighting Foam Monitor. Trailer. Caravan and even chocking the pipes, drums and industrial trolley.
Package supply can be single or as a pair with and without rope: The above is supply in a pair of 2 wheel chock c/w 900mm nylon on rope
This wheel chock can chock all kinds of wheels
What is Wheel Chock Extension? Wheel chock extension is done when double layer trailer wheel need to be chock. As the single chock is 250mm, to extend the chock to 500mm or 600mm length with space 100mm just need to Insert a 30mm X 200mm Rod insert and place the 2 chock inline.
Warning Note: Wheels chock intended use is to wedge the wheel so that it will not roll over. It is not for drive over the chock. All driver must still maintain their hand brake in good working order and must ensure that the hand brakes are applied at all time not only on slop but on flat road surface as well.
Wheel Chocks: Wheels chock has to be replaced once it shows signed of crack or deterioration. Depend on the frequency of use and the surface and how its use, this wheel chock can last for years if well maintain. Never drive over the wheel chock. (When wheel chock has been driven over it have to be change, WC230130113R are made from natural rubber it is very durable but it can break if drive over many times)
Can this wheel chock be use as Aviation Chock like aircraft and helicopter? Answer is up to customer discretion. Securitex do not held responsible for any infringement or safety issue on use of this chock.
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